Graduation Portrait Session

Marilyn’s Graduation Session

I had the pleasure to work with Marilyn, a soon to be JMU graduate for the Fall Semester! We met on The Quad of the James Madison University Campus where we walked around to take pictures. Unfortunately, the iconic Wilson Hall was under construction so we had to get creative and find other places to take pictures at. James Madison University's campus is full of unique and timeless buildings and structures, perfect for graduation photographs. We took pictures at Madison Hall, the fountain in front of Carrier Library, the life-size James Madison Statue, the train tracks near Greek Row, and of course the open spaces of The Quad itself. Marilyn brought with her, her awesome and supportive friends, as well as some glitter to make some of her photos "sparkle". This session was filled with lots of laughs and smiles and created a happy memory for both me and my client.

Contact Kodiak Photography for future bookings and inquiries here!


Portrait Session


I AM MORE: A Social Issues Project