Personal, Portrait Session Megan Tabelon Personal, Portrait Session Megan Tabelon

Personal Portrait Session

On February 8th, I got to do a quick and fun portrait session with my roommate, Jolie (also featuring some pictures of me and Gabby). Since it was Jolie’s birthday on Friday, I HAD to do a portrait session for her. We decided to all dress alike and go downtown to take some pictures. We got some awesome pictures on some fire escape stairs as well as on some train tracks that are located on the JMU campus. It was pretty cold outside so we went to Duke Hall where we could get away from the cold and take some pictures and not freeze. Overall it was super fun and we got some great pictures and great memories as well.

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Personal, Portrait Session Megan Tabelon Personal, Portrait Session Megan Tabelon

Personal Portrait Session: James Madison University

I had the opportunity to hang out with two of my close friends on February 5th, 2019 on the warmest day of the winter so far at 67 degrees! Around 4:30pm, as the golden hour is at it’s peak, we went to the top of the Champions Drive Parking Garage where we had our fun filled photo shoot. We walked around the top of the parking garage, getting the best angles and lighting that we could. With lots of laughs, we ended the portrait session with great results.

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Portrait Session Megan Tabelon Portrait Session Megan Tabelon

Portrait Session

This portrait session took place both on the James Madison University campus as well as in the scenic area of Downtown Harrisonburg. We first started off shooting on top of the Chesapeake Parking Garage on JMU’s campus. Photographing Tran with awesome views of Harrisonburg in the distance resulted in amazing photos. After that, we moved on to Downtown. Walking around we got some amazing photos in simple spots like alley-ways, murals, and churches. I had so much fun working with Tran and photographing her stunning beauty and fun personality. Here are the results:

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Portrait Session Megan Tabelon Portrait Session Megan Tabelon

Portrait Session

I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with a good friend of mine and his sister. These two humans are both funny and photogenic, showing their true colors during their photoshoot. It was all laughs, smiles, and a hint of seriousness during the session, getting a full view of their personalities. We first started the session in Downtown Harrisonburg, VA, but with it being extremely cold and windy, we didn't stay out there for long. We soon moved to Duke Hall on the JMU campus. Duke Hall is like a second home to me, being an art major. I knew their open windows and awesome style would be perfect for these two siblings. Here's the result:

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