Travel Blog

Travel Blog | Italy: Siena, Florence, & Rome

I had the opportunity to travel to Italy with my grandparents for my spring break this past March. After a layover in Amsterdam, we finally made it to Florence where we spent our first day catching up on sleep. On our second day we took a bus to Siena, located in the scenic countryside of Italy. We got to see the Duomo di Siena, Basilica Cateriniana San Domenico, the Comune di Siena, and much more! On day 3, we were back in Florence, touring the Accademia, Duomo de Florencia, Bargello Museum, and Santa Croce Church. On day 4 we traveled via train to Rome where we immediately began exploring the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Compo de’Fiore, and the Piazza Navona. On Day 5, we explored the Vatican City, including St. Peters Basilica, the Vatican Museum, and the Sistine Chapel. On day 6, we got to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum for our last day in Italy.

This was an awesome experience, that has not only increased my knowledge of art, but also my knowledge of culture. I got to see ancient works of art from architecture, sculptures, and paintings. I got to see one of my all time favorite artist’s genius works, Michaelangelo. His sculptures of David and the Pieta are unmatched. His paintings in the Sistine Chapel are magnificent. It was such an honor to see his accomplishments.

Learning about Italian culture was also a great experience. The people, the food, the art, was a truly wonderful thing to be apart of. I am so grateful to be able to travel to different places to experience different cultures and see diverse works of art.




Vatican City


Portrait Session


Portrait Session