Portrait Session

Portrait Session | Harrisonburg, VA Photographer | Jolie

I recently did a photo shoot with my beautiful roommate, Jolie. Since the flowers are finally blooming in Harrisonburg, we decided to take advantage of the warm weather and beautiful scenery. I’ve got a lot of questions of where this photo shoot was taken at, for example: “Where you on the quad?” or “Where you at the arboretum?” But the real answer is this: I was driving along the side of the road where I noticed all these trees in bloom with wonderful white flowers, I knew that would be a perfect scene. So Jolie and I drove over to this lot that is literally on the side of Reservoir St. The simplest places are usually the best places to shoot at! Take a risk, find a spot that speaks to you! Here are the amazing photos from our portrait session:

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Family Portrait Session


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