How to Plan Your West Virginia Elopement

I love weddings and photographing them but there is something special about elopements. Whether you’re going out to the mountains or keeping it in a meaningful location, eloping in West Virginia is one of my favorite things to capture. I’m going to be giving you some tips and tricks on how to plan your West Virginia Elopement.

Pick a Date!

This should definitely be your first step in planning your elopement. This will determine not only your anniversary but if your guests can make it (if you want guests) or if your vendors are available (if you’re planning on using any vendors).

Find Your Location

Finding the location in which you want to elope is just as important as finding a venue if you’re planning a wedding. If you’re thinking about eloping in a National Park finding out if there are any permits you need are your responsibility. I had a couple elope at an old church and making sure that the property is available for your elopement is a must! Even if we’re only going to be there for less than an hour.

What’s Your Guest Count?

Elopements typically are just you and your soon to be husband or wife but recently I’ve found that even if you are eloping, you want to bring a few family or friends and that’s okay! If you’re eloping at an overlook it’s best to keep it on the smaller side but if you’re eloping in an open field bringing a few more people will probably be okay! I’d say inviting more than 15 people would be considered an intimate wedding rather than an elopement but less than that seems reasonable for an elopement.

Do You Need Vendors?

You might be asking yourself, “What vendors do I need for my elopement?” Well I definitely recommend hiring a photographer (let’s talk about my availability). But what other vendors would you like? Do you want to get your hair & makeup done? Or maybe you want to cut a cake after your ceremony. Do you want a bouquet for photos? Making decisions like these are crucial for planning your dream elopement. Remember this is a once in a lifetime moment so you want it to be as memorable and perfect as possible and vendors can make that possible!

First Look?

First looks can be tricky with an elopement since typically you’re arriving together or at least at the same time. But if you do decide to drive separately, setting up a first look can be another special moment to add to your marriage day. You could even arrive together but change at the overlook or location of your choice!


Writing your own vows or keeping it more traditional is something to think about for your elopement ceremony. You can add a lot of meaning and great memories when you create something original for your vows but working with your officiant is a must for creating a ceremony you’ll love.

I hope this helped you plan your elopement a little better since it still is a very big event in your life even if it isn’t a wedding! Bottom line is that your elopement is all about you and your soon to be husband or wife. Using these tips to plan your wedding will help it run as smooth and care-free as possible and I think we can agree that is what everyone wants.

Interested in booking? I’m currently booking 2021 & 2022 weddings & elopements. Let’s Chat.


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